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Desember 05, 2011

Henna tattoo on back - For a Man

Here is a picture of a henna tattoo on the back. This is a picture of henna paste on the skin. The impact of the black paste of white skin is quite striking. However, it is not recommended to put henna on the back.

There are several reasons for this, and the main reason is that the color finish will not be as dark as the henna on the hands, arms, feet or legs. In fact, I do not recommend that you put henna on her back, unless you are willing to go the extra mile to ensure proper color.

Each type of the skin is different and some people can get a good result for a henna tattoo on your back with aftercare. It is much more likely that I'll get a complaint from a customer who henna tattoo on the upper back is not very dark. There is very little I can to remedy it.

For most people, the pores of the back are small, upper back can be oily in nature, and these factors inhibit the henna deeply penetrating the skin. It is also quite easy to erase all traces of henna while driving home!

Desember 04, 2011

Tribal henna patterns for men

Here is an example of a free hand / free henna tattoo a man's spirit. Yes, men can get henna tattoos as well!

The same rules apply, you get the best color on the back of the hand and wrist inside ... where men are more comfortable placing your henna tattoo.

It is possible to do henna on the upper arm bands to tribal and kanji tattoos, however, the final color will not be as dark and usually do not last as long as henna tattoo put on your hands.

This design is based in part on traditional designs of North Africa .. and went from there. Forms were added as the client .. so you see, a powerful tribal style design.

Several layers of lemon sugar have been applied. Maybe I'll be able to publish a photo of the final color, which appears about 48 hours after the paste is removed. Today, a new mix of henna paste is the sun in the morning sun.

Desember 02, 2011

Henna Tattoo - Design charming in the back

This design looks attractive because it has an excellent balance of composition and has an interesting mix of colors. Until now, in my opinion this is the best henna tattoo design that is in the back.

Henna Tattoo - Design of medium on the back

This design is not too complicated but also not too simple, so it could be placed in the back part anywhere. But more interesting if in place at the right hand side as seen in the picture.

Henna Tattoo - Design of the bones in the back

This design is also interesting, as you see in the picture henna tattoo can also be painted with images of bone. Looks creepy indeed but still look attractive.

It is worth considering sedain if you want to make a tattoo on his back.

Henna tattoo on the breast fully

This is one interesting example of a henna tattoo on the breast. This design can give the impression of wild and seductive. Only a professional who can do it.

Photo taken at the Burning Man Festival 2008 (Black Rock Desert, Nevada). by Tristan Savatier.

Full design on the back

Flowers of henna tattoo design meets the back. Therefore perhaps we could call it "garden in the back" but admittedly requires a high creativity to be able to create this complex design. I'm sure the design of this complexity is not done by the amateurs but by people who really profesiaonal.

Henna Tattoo - Wow ....!!! It's very sexy design

Just say "Wow ...!!!". This is the sexiest designs of henna tattoo I've ever seen. Do you also think so? Now I think of this design is actually sexy because of its design or because of the positioning? What would you say?

Henna Tattoo - simple design on the back

Attractive design does not have to be complicated, just with a simple design that can be done. As this example looks simple but interesting is not it? If you are interested in tattoo designs like these again developed in accordance with art and your imagination.

Happy creative ...!!!

Henna tattoo on the back - Size Large

Unique and interesting, that's what this tattoo design henna. Tattoo design that is located on the back of this elongated and frilly look attractive and have a balanced composition when placed dipunggung, just need a little modification on the fringe to make it look different but the level of the same uniqueness and exoticism.

Henna tattoo motif on the back

This is a henna tattoo motif that looks interesting and exotic in the back. Here the width of tattoo designs can be adapted to the width of your back. But it would be more interesting when added one or two designs are similar but has a smaller size as a counterweight design. But if you still only use one design is also quite interesting.

Desember 01, 2011

Henna on the Palm - A simple model gives a good color

Here is a simple henna tattoo for your palm. My client reported that she had an excellent out come with this henna tattoo, the color was quite dark, and the model took a long time.

I just found that the batch of henna paste mixed on Sunday I did not give a deep rich a spot for her as I used the dough to make this design.

I can only imagine it's because I used a new henna powder. All other steps I took to make the dough was the same ... except for the supplier to the henna powder.

So if any of my clients did not have a deep stain of their henna tattoo in the last two weeks, please call me!

I am very happy to give you a second tattoo free henna if your first did not give a good color. I will make up a paste using a very fresh henna powder that I know gives excellent results every time.

I will continue shopping for a new supplier henna powder! Wishing all the happiness. Ann George

Henna Tatto design on Foot

Many people want to experiment with the idea of ​​having a tattoo before committing to it for the rest of their lives. Since henna does not penetrate the outer layer of the skin, it will fade over time and eventually disappear. While henna tends to produce only dark colors, it can be transformed in several colors, all dark.

Limits on outdoor, print henna could last about a month before fading. But in reality, it will probably not last more than 7 to 10 days depending on how the artist was good, that does the job. The number of pictures or patterns available is limited only to the imagination of the artist. Most designs are influenced by the region of the world being represented.

When the design is freshly applied, it will be an orange-brown. It must dry for a long time and eventually peel off. It is recommended 8 hours or more to dry. The longer this time to dry, the darker the stain will be. After the paste was removed and the tattoo was playing time, normally within 24 hours, it takes a reddish brown.

Henna Tattoos Flowers

People at the time, especially the women wear different designs of flowers. It was a tradition for weddings and parties. When celebrities such as Madonna and Demi Moore began during the late 80s it has become so popular and then later it became a fashion rage not only in Britain and the United States, but all in around the world.

The advantage of a design henna tattoo from a constant is that it is painless, inexpensive, and the application is so easy you can do and to apply yourself. Traditional henna tattoos are normally applied to the hands and feet, but that has changed. They are now applied to body parts visible as the neck, ankles, arms, belly, back, forehead, and toes and nails.

Another advantage of a tattoo design henna flower is that you can change every month or two. Since they are temporary and not permanent, you can try different designs of flowers or apply at different places on the body to find what you love. The henna tattoo can last two weeks or two months, depending on how they are implemented and supported. Find what design and pattern that works for you and enjoy.

Henna tattoos

Henna body art, also known as Mehndi, is another form of short-lived skin image. Coming from a southern Oriental custom, henna uses a substance made from the powder simply leaves of the Henna place, Lawsonia inermis. Its active dye, Lawsone, holds with the keratin in pores and epidermis, claws, and hair. Common henna is used fragile styles on the hands and feet, but modern henna is used in a lot of styles anywhere on the body. As opposed to other varieties of short-lived body art, henna does not allow for a wide range of colours but only pigments of whites, brown colours, and near-blacks. The substance is used and left on the pores and epidermis for several hours to spot. The spot will progressively cool as the pores and epidermis garden sheds. Henna body art can last days to over a month based on application and aftercare.

However, careful attention should be taken as many products marked henna are inaccurate. Fast-staining "black henna" can contain para-phenylenediamine (PPD) which can cause allergies and damage.