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Maret 29, 2012

Maret 28, 2012

Bridal Henna for the Palm - design 35 Minutes

Here is a picture of a traditional henna tattoo for the palm. The design is a synthesis of traditional style henna in India and a touch of bold Arabic mode.

After viewing the work of many artists, and benefiting from some videos I made a dough thinner than usual and used a mylar cone to create this tattoo.

With a thin crust (almost like texture of the paint Tempra) and a very fine point on the cone, I was able to make mehandi more complex much faster than ever before.

I started the most superior of the wrist, scored the main areas of the design first, then filled with the finer lines.

I followed the same process for the hand ... This is how I realized the mirror image of Paisley on the palm.

The dark centers of flowers around with paisley Set It Off. Each finger is different, which gives a spontaneous to me. I'll post the pattern of foot tattoo tomorrow.

Maret 27, 2012

Video Henna Tattoo - Arabic style

This is the work of an artist very talented traditional. I love her use of bold lines and white space, while creating a comprehensive look for the palm of the hand. I just want to do more of this type of art. You do not want to have some traditional henna? I love this model. What do you think?

Maret 26, 2012

Henna Pattern - Peacock Tattoo with Flowers

Henna tattoo pattern for palm. Here Peacock is a picture of a henna tattoo full palm. This design was done using the "draw the outlines first" method that really improved my finished drawings.

Visit the category of Henna videos on this site to see one of the best "how to" videos online. I started the model at the wrist, drew the outline for the peacock and the bracelet on the wrist, then moved to the outlines of the flower motif surrounded at the base of the hand. I went back to fill in the details of the peacock and bracelet before moving to fill the hand. After completing this part of the configuration I drew outlines of flower motif that goes to the little finger and ring, then the little cashmere and the flower at the base of the thumb.

After filling in all these areas, it was time to do away with the fingers. I used bold strokes to finish, hoping that the use of negative space to create the effect would be small glove and improve the complexity of the pattern of palm. If you like this template, you can enjoy a visit to the page Henna Patterns on my site. There are many small booklets of India on the sale .. filled with inspiring images.

Maret 24, 2012

Winter Time Henna Fun - Henna Parties for the holidays

Here is a picture of a palm full henna tattoo I did at a meeting. I am always happy to have traditional henna true patrons as they give me the chance to stay in practice with hands-free / henna and traditional fine line.

Winter can be a great time to party henna because the house is warm, most people are sweaters, wool, and long sleeves, so the body temperature is rising! These conditions are excellent to help the henna paste gives the darkest spot possible.

Also .. with all other body parts covered, I have a chance to fully henna tattoo palm. I will post some new pictures of his friends with henna in India soon. Be sure to stop by the library of henna to get the latest model of the books of India.

Maret 23, 2012

Scheme to hand full of henna tattoo

I am so happy to have this scheme to hand full of henna.

An "original" design free hand, the use of negative space is a beautiful model.

Can you find henna in this photo?

I really like the mehandi against the fabric. I'm sure there are some other pictures soon .. but I have not seen, I share with you this picture in hopes that you will find is as fun as I do.

Wishing you warm nights.

Maret 22, 2012

Quick and easy - Bold henna pattern for the palms.

Reason for henna to the palms of fat hands. You can drive with the palms henna! If you choose a bold pattern like this it is very easy.

Notice that the left hand is full of henna .. but the design is just as much as half of the fingers and small spots at the end.

Design from right to left .. compliments leaving plenty of free space for household chores that could make small palm full model and fingers too difficult to integrate into your modern lifestyle.

From beginning to end, this tattoo took 35 minutes to complete.

By using bold lines and negative space to complement the shape of the hand gives a striking trend that is easy to wear.

Maret 16, 2012

Traditional Henna Tattoo Designs

Traditional Henna Tattoo Designs. Traditional Henna Tattoo Design on back and shoulders. Henna tatoo design for women.

Maret 13, 2012

Maret 12, 2012

Maret 11, 2012

Design Henna Tattoo on Neck

This design is a circular design henna tattoo dileher. This design is briefly looked like a necklace that was worn.

Maret 10, 2012

Design Henna Tattoos on Foot

Henna tattoo design in the foot is quite unique and interesting. Glimpse of henna tattoos on the foot design does look quite complicated, but if the note is more detailed then the henna tattoo design can be quite simple. The uniqueness of the design henna tattoos on the foot this time is as though users will be wearing such beautiful shoes of a fairy tale.